Over the years, we have been perfecting ourselves in our digital skills at the intersection of software engineering, system design, and information security.

Project Management
It is quite common among project management professionals to hyperbolise the essence of their skill with a bike riding joke. While sometimes it happens to be not far from truth, it does not need to be a necessity! As long as the project is approached with reasonable degree of seriousness, forward-thinking and responsibility, the risks of the eco vehicle catching fire can be significantly reduced.
We have been managing IT projects for more than 5 years. Our track record include a number of successful deliveries. You will find examples of the projects we’ve managed on the Portfolio page.
Our team is conscious about continuous education. We allocate time to learn novel project management techniques and processes to provide the most efficient delivery.
System Design
Efficient system design is a foundation of a successful, cost-effective, and resilient product. Lots of great business ideas were buried under bulky, awkward, or expedient designs, which left them incapable to cope with resulting maintenance and support costs. The others became victims of insecure or right away unsafe design choices.
Building your product on a solid foundation is a key success factor. This is particularly important in the age of data, where security of the business’s data flows directly translates to its reputation and trustworthiness. This is no less important in the age of hot markets, where a second faster or a penny cheaper delivery may mean a strategic customer win. This is just as important in the age of globalization, where a thousand customers today convert to a million tomorrow.

What are the criteria of an efficiently designed system? We think there are three:
It is efficient on many scales, but primarily on the scales of time and cost
Efficiency and optimization are the must for a 21st century business. Fifty years ago, companies optimized their processes to gain competitive advantages. Today, companies that do not optimize their processes to a brim go out of the market.
It is secure and safe for its users and owners
Our times present extraordinary threats to data workflows. Digital criminals do not differentiate between military, government, or commercial targets – their worms will equally attack a major energy provider and a family butcher from rural Derbyshire. Business processes themselves have become more complex, creating a much wider vulnerability surface.
It benefits from innovations, but it builds on experience and tradition
Innovations disrupt familiar business processes, allowing businesses to take giant performance leaps. We believe in innovation, but we value experience and look at traditional principles that have years and decades of track record of excellence behind them.

Securing Information
Setting up robust and secure business processes has long become a standalone business task. Not being strong enough can make the business vulnerable to a variety of threats.
Not all of those come from pro-active hostile organisations or states. Unintentional violation of your customers’ or employees’ privacy, susceptibility to identity theft, unavailability of backup copies at a wrong moment can mean just as much for a typical business as an attack by an international hacker group.
What constitutes a secure system?
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
The so-called CIA triad have long been the three core principles of any secure environment. It is Modern security professionals agree that authentication and accountability are another two principles that form any secure system must satisfy.
Design, Technology, Law
A proper information security system is multi-faceted to provide the ultimate protection.
In Transit, at Rest, in Use
The information that belongs to a company is never static: it is transitioning between states all the time, with every state presenting its own assortment of risks. Carefully assessing information flows, identifying the data states, and mitigating the associated risks is vital when protecting an information system.
Looking to put your digital under-the-hoods right?
Get in touch now to learn how we can help you build a stronger digital backbone